- Earn less money.
- Experience higher poverty rates.
- Spend more time in prison.
- Experience a less satisfying sexual life.
- Are more likely to divorce again.
- Suffer more emotional and psychological stress.
- twice as likely to drop out of school.
- twice as likely to have psychological problems.
- three times as likely to commit suicide.
And when do couples get divorced? Approximately half of divorces occur within the first seven years of marriage and one-quarter within the first three years! The chart below shows that couples decide early whether to divorce:
Most couples know divorce is costly, and yet a large percentage decide to get divorced . . . mostly within the first few years of marriage.
Is this crisis avoidable? Yes, research shows that well-designed marriage preparation can help prevent divorce, especially in the early years of the marriage. And Zoe provides a structured approach to marriage preparation that utilizes effective and flexible materials based on leading research to help a couple establish a strong marriage from the beginning and make the couples commitment a long-lasting one.
Sources: U.S. Census data, Larson, Blankenhorn, NCC, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.