Zoe Advisor eMail Tools

Every Advisor deals with unique circumstances and constraints when working with a couple. Therefore, Zoe provides you with eMail Tools that can significantly benefit both you and a couple because the tools are effective, efficient and flexible.

By reviewing a couple’s Zoe Advisor Feedback Report, you can form a clear impression of the strengths and weaknesses in a couple’s relationship. Equipped with this knowledge, you can help a couple better understand their strengths and also address a weaker area by emailing:
  • Scripture Passages - Applicable Bible passages and discussion questions to explore God’s Word with the couple.
  • Techniques - Homework assignments for the couple to practice on their own.
  • Recommended Reading - Category-specific books for the couple to read together and discuss.
These tools give you more flexibility in your advising since they can be emailed to both you and the couple. That way, you can have the couple discuss the content before, during and/or after a session.