Getting Started

“Help them inoculate their marriage from divorce in the first five years.”

If you are ready to begin learning more about Zoe and using Zoe with a couple, this is the page for you.

The three main tasks in getting started to use Zoe are to:
  • Learn about Zoe,
  • Link your account to the couple and
  • Work with the couple.
Briefly, here are the steps:

Learning about Zoe
  1. Register as a Zoe Advisor.
  2. Print the sample report for Ryan and Kelsey (in your Advisor Filing Cabinet).
  3. Read Ryan and Kelsey’s report.
  4. Any questions? View the online training videos and check the Advisor FAQs to supplement your Zoe knowledge.
  5. Familiarize yourself with all the links in the top navigation bar.

Linking your Zoe Account to the Couple
A couple’s Zoe Account must be linked to yours so that you will have access to their feedback in your Advisor Filing Cabinet.

There are two ways to make sure their account is linked to yours:

Advisor initiates process by clicking: “New Couple”
  1. Log into and click on "New Couple.”
  2. Enter one of the couple's email addresses.
  3. Zoe sends an automated email to the couple explaining a little about Zoe, asking them to accept you as their Advisor and providing a link to the Zoe “Purchase” screen.
  4. Couple clicks the link and purchases Zoe.
  5. They are now linked to your Zoe Advisor Account.

Couple initiates process by clicking: “Purchase”
  1. Give the couple your (Zoe Advisor) email address.
  2. Couple clicks on “Purchase” and enters purchase information.
  3. Zoe asks “Who is your Advisor?” The couple enters your email address.
  4. They are now linked to your Zoe Advisor Account.

After both partners answer all of their questions (separately), you will receive an email notifying you that their feedback is available to you in your Zoe Filing Cabinet.

If a couple explains that they cannot locate the “New Couple” email, simply have them initiate the process. (Sometimes SPAM filters can discard the “New Couple” email so it is easier to have the couple start the process rather than trying to troubleshoot their SPAM filter and resending the “New Couple” email).

Working with the Couple
  1. Click on “Files” and locate the couple in your list.
  2. Click the “feedback” link.
  3. Download and print their Zoe Advisor Feedback Report.
  4. View the “Chapter C: Advising” online training videos for suggestions on working with the couple.
  5. Use the Zoe Advisor Email Tools as needed.
To get started, Register as an Advisor here.